Baby Names

Baby Boy

Baby Girl
26 name(s).
S.No. Name
1 Talen
2 Talia
3 Tallis
4 Tallys
5 Talon
6 Tashnique
7 Tave
8 Tawnie
9 Tawny
10 Tawnya
11 Tayce
12 Taylar
13 Taylor
14 Teadoir
15 Tenille
16 Therese
17 Tiffanie
18 Tiffany
19 Tilda
20 Tilly
21 Tolena
22 Toni
23 Tracey
24 Tracy
25 Turquoise
26 Tyler
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Dr Sharma is a very humble and gentle human being whose presence creates a lot of comfort while consulting. He manages the situation very well and ensure their clients are well informed about their concerns, what corrective actions can be taken and constant follow ups. We wish him great health and success for future.
yatin gandotra
I have been visiting him for almost a decade. He is a genuine astrologer with deep knowledge and understanding. He is a great personality. I am impressed with his noble approach to help people.
Lakshiv Mittal
I consulted dr prem sharma first time recently but its definitely not going to be the last time as firstly his readings were great , he talks in a manner which feels like an elder of ur family talking to you feels an instant connect with him ..he gives simple remedies to follow. I was very happy after my meeting as i feel wat he said was absolutely true and about predictions i think wat he said will be true too ... i had a list of questions to ask him but after his reading he had automatically answered all my questions without my asking . Thank you.
Kanupriya M
Incredible experience ! His guidance and analysis is amazing. Helpful and courteous staff (Ms.Jyoti)
Deepak Uppal
Dr. Sahib is a great astrologer cum life coach. He is very precise on the necessary remedies needed at given point of time. He navigates you to through the upcoming life events and with his witty suggestions puts a person at ease with the future. I am very much moved by his personal touch in dealing with us over and above his professional commitment . Customer facing staff (@Delhi Office) too are quite resourceful and getting the meetups organized through them is a smooth sailing.
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