Baby Names

Baby Boy

Baby Girl
74 name(s).
S.No. Name
1 Macy
2 Madelon
3 Madieu
4 Mael
5 Maine
6 Maitland
7 Mallory
8 Malory
9 Manneville
10 Mantel
11 Marc
12 Marceau
13 Marcel
14 Marcellus
15 Mare
16 Marian
17 Marion
18 Markese
19 Markey
20 Marlon
21 Marq
22 Marqeus
23 Marqis
24 Marque
25 Marquice
26 Marquie
27 Marquinn
28 Marquis
29 Marquise
30 Marsell
31 Marsh
32 Marshall
33 Marvel
34 Marvell
35 Maslin
36 Mason
37 Masson
38 Mathieu
39 Matthieu
40 Maurice
41 Maxence
42 Maxime
43 Maximillia
44 Mayker
45 Maynard
46 Mayque
47 Mel
48 Melville
49 Melvin
50 Melvyn
51 Mercer
52 Merla
53 Merle
54 Merlin
55 Merlion
56 Meryle
57 Michel
58 Michele
59 Mikel
60 Millard
61 Miquel
62 Modestine
63 Monet
64 Montae
65 Montagu
66 Montague
67 Montaine
68 Montgomery
69 Montrae
70 Montreal
71 Moor
72 Moore
73 More
74 Mortimer
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Very nice web site.
Nitin gupta
I wish I had met him much earlier in life, I wouldn't need friend, therapist , astrologer or mentor in life. I had none anyway, ever. Anyone who saw my patri , told me my patri is the worst ever anyone saw. And I had surrendered to my fate and was moving on in life. Then I met sir, he is amazing in what he is doing. I'm a person who only believes in God but he taught me there are still few genuine humans alive in the universe. I can talk to him..and he guided me like guardian angel. Thank you sir for clearing my path of life. I hope to remain in touch with you( my guardian angel) always.. thank you once again ...
v Sharma
Dr. Prem Kumar Sharma is very patient and knowledgable and explains things clearly. He provides great insights regarding the situation and the future course of action to follow.
Sanjay Parthasarathy
Excellent hold on the subject. Great guidance. Very effective remedies. The support staff is excellent especially Meenu ji with whom I have been interacting for several years is very quick to respond and has a good follow up and client centric.
Gautam Naik
Meeting Sharma ji was a special day 🙏 ..not only because he is an excellent astrologer but also a very humble / kind human being! He does not treat you like a client but as a family and make you comfortable and change your life ✨️ with positivity ✨️! A great astrologer a must visit & a the whole team of Sharmaji in the office is very kind 😊 and humble like Sharma ji !
Adarsh Misra
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