About Libra

About Libra
This is the seventh sign of the Zodiac, which is governed by the planet Venus. People born in this sign are generally tall, athletic and strong. They possess charming personality, sweet smile and attractive eyes. Venus the ruler makes Libran highly reserved, docile, sensitive and possessive. Being an airy sign a Libran will tend to be highly imaginative, pleasant, courteous, creative and elegant individual. They are cool-headed people who do not get into hot discussions easily. Incase they get angry there anger is short-lived and they get calm very soon. They are fashionable and trendy people, who like to spend lavishly on new clothes, jewellery and perfumes.


The outstanding characteristics of Librans are their willingness to help those in need. They voluntarily provide financial, moral and psychological support to the ones they care. They are also very social and like to spend time and resources with loved ones. Venus also makes Librans highly creative. They will try traditional methods first but if desired results fail, they will try new methods to achieve success. As Librans are simple, noble and benevolent people they tend to be fooled very easily. They need to choose their associates very carefully. Librans enjoy excellent convincing power. They are good at expressing themselves about all aspects of life, and people around them must generously endorse their statements.

A favorite complaint of a Libran is: 'It's not fair that he should treat me like that after all I've done so much for him!' Of course, the other person may simply be incapable of expressing his gratitude in the manner in which the Libran would like, but the Libran would find that hard to accept. A permanent emotional relationship has to be on a reciprocal basis. It has to be a give and take relationship if the Libran has to be kept happy.

A Libran avoids quarrels and confrontations. Indecisiveness marks their personality and is their worst fault. 'One must wait and see what happens' they say and they will wait, putting off decisions for as long as possible. They have a reputation for being lazy. Often Librans are not as soft as they appear to be. They are fairly eager to achieve what they want, but they may appear lazy due to indecisiveness. They may adopt a pose of charming inactivity. This may be simply a pause between one activity and the next or may be a well thought out decision. The Libran may be indecisive, but when they do decide that they want something, they generally get it, somehow or the other. They make excellent host. Their homes are comfortable and guests find the atmosphere relaxing.

Although Librans enjoy good financial position, they tend to be highly spendthrifts. Librans are good companions as they are sincere, honest and highly caring.

If the ruling planet Venus is afflicted in any manner in ones birth chart then it would give altogether negative results.

Check out Libra Man Characteristics: Personality Traits

Check out Libra Sexual & Intimacy compatibility - Here

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