Leo Hindi Monthly Horoscope


July 2024

कुछ भी ऐसा ना करें जिससे किसी का अहित हो। किसी के प्रति नकारात्मक विचार आपको भी नकारात्मकता से भर देंगे। कार्यक्षेत्र के विरोधी आपके काम में दख़लअंदाज़ी कर सकते हैं। हिसाब किताब की गड़बड़ी के कारण आपकी छवि बिगड़ सकती है। पेपर जमा करने से पहले अच्छी तरह बारीकियों पर गौर करें। सामाजिक स्तर पर कोई आपके भोलेपन का फायदा उठा सकता है। जीवनसाथी की संदेह करने की आदत ग़लतफहमिया उत्पन्न कर सकती है।

Lucky Number: 2
Lucky Colour: पीच
Interested in Personalized Predictions from Dr. Prem Kumar Sharma           SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT


Reshmi halder
I met Dr Prem Kumar Sharma 20 years ago. One thing I would say believe in him things will work and his predictions are accurate and remedies effective. Ja Mata di
Mr. Sharma's predictions and insights have been accurate in most of the cases, which has earned him a reputation as one of the most reliable astrologers in India. He has been featured in various national and international media outlets, including The Times of India, Hindustan Times, and The Washington Post, among others.
Arun Bhaiya
Associated with DR Prem Kumar Sharma ji since years now. Always it’s great to get in touch with him & it’s amazing to see his knowledge & the way he guides through 🙏🏻 Special thanks to Jyoti ji for quick response & her friendliness. …
Prinika Sahni
We have been going since five years. The readings have been totally accurate as well as very helpful. We thank Dr Prem Kumar Sharma for guiding and helping us through all types of phases in our life
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