Pisces Man

Pisces man is known to be unworldly and generous. He basically focuses on emotional realm, spiritual thirst and inner journey. Pisces men are highly intuitive and are capable enough to sense others feelings. He may seem to be enigmatic and mysterious to people. Pisces man belongs to the category of vivid and strong imagination can express his thoughts via song, dance, or writing.

Love, Sex, Romance and Relationships
Pisces man expresses his romantic love to others with selfless purity. He can never fall love at very first sight. He is helpful, compassionate and dreamy and takes all efforts to cater his partner needs.

Understanding Pisces Men
Pisces man is highly perceptive in understanding others needs. He can be compassionate and emotional and people need to stay with him for a long time to know who he is exactly.

Pisces man will be highly impractical in making financial conclusions which is mostly based on emotional background rather than common sense. He may not give great attention to money but knows very well how to use them.

Pisces man will be greatly attracted to turquoise color. This color can be widely noted in his home accessories, interior decoration, jewelry and wardrobe. He also stands on latest trends.

Pisces man appears to be highly loyal to his family and friends and they too depend on him on highly crucial situations. Popularly known to be a day dreamer, he is always available for those who need him.

Pisces man love resembles that of a thunder storm which flows through warm welcome, followed by lightning and thunder and ends up with calm tranquility. When he finds a good partner, he gives his faith and dedication.

Pisces man is usually subjected to headaches because of his emotional intensity. At times, he suffers with low energy level because of late night sit outs, eating and drinking.

Pisces man can perform well in creative jobs like architect, social worker, detective, musician, worker and counselor. He can be called as veterinarian because of his consideration and kind heartedness.


Check out Pisces Marriage Compatibility Horoscope Here..

Are you looking for a raise in Career? Check out Pisces Career Horoscope Here..


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