Baby Names

Baby Boy

Baby Girl
54 name(s).
S.No. Name
1 Abdalla
2 Abdi
3 Abdirahman
4 Abdiraxman
5 Abdul
6 Abu
7 Abwaku
8 Adan
9 Addo
10 Ade
11 Adeben
12 Adem
13 Adewale
14 Adiel
15 Adis
16 Adisa
17 Adofo
18 Adom
19 Adrian
20 Adwin
21 Afram
22 Agu
23 Aguar
24 Ajani
25 Ajayi
26 Akello
27 Akia
28 Akin
29 Alake
30 Alem
31 Ali
32 Alpha
33 Amadi
34 Aman
35 Amani
36 Amare
37 Amari
38 Anando
39 Ande
40 Anwar
41 Aren
42 Armani
43 Arwan
44 Asad
45 Asante
46 Ashante
47 Ashanti
48 Ashon
49 Ashur
50 Ata
51 Ayub
52 Ayubu
53 Azekel
54 Azize
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Guru ji has been a constant guide for me he has been a strong support system in days when I am in decisive I have been a part of this family from more than 5 years now.I am blessed to have him as my mentor.
Sonali pant
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